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A Spell, A Prayer, & A Wish: Prequel of The End of Fate Trilogy Page 7
A Spell, A Prayer, & A Wish: Prequel of The End of Fate Trilogy Read online
Page 7
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Marwan shivered as he woke up, startled. The burning that he had felt in his legs earlier was gone, but replaced with a strong, dull ache. In fact, every muscle in his whole body ached.
He was in a lot of pain as he realized he was in his bed at home and a few people were looking over him. Benyamina, Aiden and even Darius were there. It was apparently a new day and the sun was shining outside. Marwan didn’t know how many days had passed. A medicine man from another tribe was looking over him as well, while talking to Aiden.
“His fever broke and he seems to be relaxed. This is amazing—unlike anything I’ve ever seen. How did you know that the herbs you chose would work like this?”
The medicine man is obviously talking about me. As Marwan struggled to open his eyes fully, he heard Aiden say, “I’ve been around. I’ve seen many things during many lifetimes—and I remember them all. This will not be mine and Marwan’s last journey together.”
Marwan groggily started propping himself up on his elbows and everyone’s attention shifted to him. He looked at Benyamina and said, “What happened to Kübra?”
“She’s alive but has been banished from the village, to never return. You did it, Marwan—you saved me.” Benyamina’s eyes were teary as she spoke.
Marwan said, “How did I get here—what about the third person?”
Benyamina lowered her eyes in sadness as she spoke. “It was Tyre, Marwan. He ran off during your fight with the witch and Kübra. He didn’t realize what he had gotten into and was afraid. He ran back into the village and was so shaken, everybody noticed. He started drinking the firewater and wandering around town muttering strange things. The elders knew something was amiss and got all of the information out of him when he sobered up. He told them exactly what had happened—to Pa, Ma and to us.” As Benyamina spoke of their parents, her voice shook in sadness.
“Tyre? That poor, poor soul.” Marwan was not angry with him, even though Marwan now knew Tyre had played a hand in his parents’ deaths. Instead, Marwan felt sorry for the lost, dejected soul known as Tyre, the son of Balth, an abandoner. In fact, Marwan felt oddly clear, as though he understood life for what it meant. Marwan didn’t think he could put it in words but he knew his feelings had something to do with compassion and love, like Maji had always said. He had come a long way in the past week and matured into someone he didn’t realize could exist.
Benyamina continued, “Tyre said that the witch, Julia, had approached Kübra and told her of a murderous plot. Apparently, Kubra is a Reptilian soul that hid her true intentions well. She suggested to Julia that they recruit Tyre to help kidnap Pa.
“You see, Marwan, Pa never returned that night you were gone to the Cedar Forest. They had taken him earlier than anyone of us knew.
“He also said that Kübra was insanely jealous of Ma, and not only wanted her beauty but the power of being ensi. After trying to steal Pa away while mother was gone, but being rejected, she became more furious and determined than ever to take control. That was co-incidentally when Julia found her.”
Marwan realized that what he had heard that night between Kübra and Pa was exactly that—not anything more. I was so naïve and quick to think I knew more than I did. I should have known…
Marwan spoke aloud, “I shouldn’t have gone off that night—none of this would have happened if I could have saved Pa.”
Aiden said, “It all happened for a reason, Marwan. You are not responsible for the actions of others—but you are responsible in how you react and respond to them. This is how you learn and grow. Life is a series of moments to experience and these experiences are a gift—even if they are not understandable in the present.
Someday, you will have a better understanding as to why all of this has happened. The important thing to do now is to grow, to change, to stay in the light and believe in the hope for this beautiful world and all its inhabitants.”
Marwan suddenly had another thought. “Aiden, what about Apate? She must have seen that Julia and Kübra were with Tyre, and she deliberately made me think that Án was behind kidnapping Pa. Where is that trickster? Did she have a hand in all of this?”
“Apate did what she believed was right. She is not responsible for your actions just like you are not responsible for Kübra’s. You will no doubt see Án again in future lives and attempt to make amends. Killing Án was not the best thing to do; however, events could have been worse, too.
“Think about this: You are not old enough to be the ensi for another year. If you did not kill Án, he would have become the temporary ensi since he was next in status—and Kübra the ensi’s wife. During the next year, Julia would no doubt be in the background, plotting your doom. And it would not have been long before Kübra found a way to kill Án along with you and Benyamina. That was her original plan, but with Án dead, she had to murder you and Benyamina right away to assure her place as ensi. Killing Án set a different path and a different fate than what was originally planned—ultimately sealing hers.”
Marwan grimaced. “That is a painful thought and I would like to believe that something different could have happened. I thought there were infinite possibilities, Aiden.” Marwan blinked a few times and couldn’t help but let a tear roll down his cheek.
“Something different could have happened, Marwan—but it didn’t. One thing is certain, though. It all happened for a reason that is bigger than us here in this room right now. The Sumerian tribe is safe and Benyamina will go on to be a wonderful, generous ensi.”
Marwan repeated Aiden’s words in a soft whisper, “Benyamina will go on to be…” Marwan’s voice trailed off as he pondered the implications of what Aiden had just said.
Aiden looked Marwan in the eyes and proudly said, “Beyond the Sumerian tribe is the future of this village, this valley, this world. Mesopotamia is the beginning of the next phase in human evolution and many, many more people than you can imagine will help make this transformation on Earth magnificent and breathtaking.
“This valley is the beginning of enormous civilizations which spread like wildfire throughout the world, creating giant villages with tens of thousands of people. Technology will advance rapidly. Many souls will live, die and experience life here on Earth.
“There is a mission you are about to embark upon that will transform you even more than you are now. I’ve seen it—I’ve lived it.”
Aiden bent closer to Marwan’s face, and with the utmost sincerity said, “Marwan, you are needed. You are needed more than you could possibly know.”
For the first time that he could remember, Marwan had trouble accepting that he was actually important to the world. He felt a sense of selflessness and a sense of hope.
Then, looking around at everyone, Marwan said with certainty, “Benyamina will become our ensi.”
Marwan looked at Benyamina and with a great peace in his voice asked, “I’m dying, aren’t I?” Marwan smiled somberly as he waited for a response. Benyamina looked like she wanted to say ‘no, you are going to live forever,’ but couldn’t. Instead, she stood there as more tears fell down her cheeks.
After a few moments, she said, “I’ll always look up to you, Marwan. You’re an inspiration to me and always will be.”
The medicine man stepped over to Marwan and said, “The poison that Kübra threw at you has created an infection through your blood, Marwan. I didn’t think that you would ever wake up again but Aiden created a potion that has worked a miracle. I think you may have a day left before…”
“Before I die,” Marwan interrupted. “I understand. But I have one last request.”
Marwan looked back at his sister and friends as he said, “I do not want to die in this bed. I want to go back to the Cedar Forest and face my fate there. I want to feel the magic and the wonder that the forest holds for our people and me. While I am there, I can pass to the other side with hope and love.”
Darius spoke. “My father has some oxen ready for travel already. He was going to use them t
o take some items to the same Akkadian village Maji went to, but I am sure he would be more than willing to let you use one in order to fulfill your last request, Marwan.”
“Bring them here, Darius—and thank you, my good, good friend.” Darius immediately left to fetch the oxen while Benyamina and Aiden prepared some food and other items to take to the Cedar Forest. Not even two hours later, Marwan, Darius, Aiden and Benyamina were on the way to the forest together.
When they arrived, Marwan felt the magic of the forest again. He felt a new life enter his bones and a new spirit elevate his mind. Facing death, he felt more alive than ever. Marwan directed them to the same spot where he had traveled to the Spirit World a couple nights before. Once they stopped, they laid Marwan on some soft blankets on the ground. He looked up at the treetops and sky. He watched the leaves dance in the wind.
As the sun set over the treetops, he felt a fever starting to take over his body and he started sweating. He felt hot and cold at the same time, lightheaded and his muscles still ached—but he was strangely at peace.
Darius grabbed a hold of Marwan’s hand and gripped it tightly, as though he could keep Marwan from slipping out of the world just a little longer. He’s a good friend, Marwan thought. I hope to see him again someday.
Benyamina hung Marwan’s dreamcatcher on a branch above him as she started singing a simple tune that they had known since childhood. The Sumerian tribe all knew this song well—it stretched back through time and no one knew who had originally written it. Darius and Aiden sang along, too. Marwan was glad to hear it and he closed his eyes as he listened.
“Life is a wonderful vision
but visions are not as they seem
We’ll see you again when we are all risen
all dreamers of magical dreams”
As Marwan was listening, he realized that he was in the tunnel that ran through the ground to the Spirit World again. Deeper and deeper he walked until he saw an opening up ahead and the sunlight shining from the other side. As he made his way towards the entrance, just before he stepped through, he could hear a voice in his mind. He knew it was Aiden speaking from the world he was departing.
“Blessings, Marwan. Your transformation is near completion and you are a new soul—a soul that will emanate hope and leadership for the inexperienced and lost souls of Earth. Remember the love and beauty you have witnessed, as well as the manipulation of such, which forgets true beauty and attempts to twist all that radiates light. You may not remember this lifetime, but remember to feel the genuineness and authenticity you have lived and learned. Go with peace, Marwan—or rather, Rowan.”
Rowan felt that the name Marwan was now somehow uncharacteristic, or at least unfitting for him. He remembered that Marwan was his name before—but not now. His name was Rowan and he would navigate the dream called life with a purpose and mission that he did not consciously know yet, but felt deep in his being.
Rowan heard Aiden say one last thing that seemed to echo down the long corridor behind him, as he stepped into the Spirit World.
“Seven thousand years is but a lifetime away. I’ll see you soon, Rowan.”
Seven thousand years, huh? I wonder what the world will be like then, Rowan thought as he stomped through the grassy fields of the Spirit World, looking for Inanna. He looked up at the sky and saw spirits flying around like birds. He couldn’t see their faces but he knew they were all smiling and welcoming him. He approached a forest and Bear was waiting for him at the edge of the trees. As Rowan neared, he could see that Bear was gesturing towards what looked like a doorway in the forest. Rowan knew that the doorway would take him from the Spirit World and into an even purer plane of existence where energy and matter merge together. Rowan sensed that once through the doorway, he would not return to the Spirit World until he was born on the Earth again.
Rowan decided to not go through the door yet. He would stay and look for Inanna in this timeless realm for a little longer. As he turned around and started walking, the forest began to change. It started getting colder and the sun’s light was dimming. Rowan suddenly started to feel as if something was not right, but he walked on anyway. Then he heard an emotionless, lifeless voice.
“So we meet again, Rowan. There is no better place to scar your soul than here in this land of spirits.”
Rowan turned around but could not see the voice that was speaking to him. He looked around and up, but it seemed to be coming from all directions. The trees next to him seemed to come alive and reach for his arms and legs. All Rowan could hear as the tree branches wrapped around his wrists and ankles was the cackling of a witch in some sort of perfectly even, symmetrical rhythm. It was a haunting and yet monotone sound that didn’t seem human.
Then she appeared—Julia. She came out of a dark mist and walked slowly and steadily towards Rowan. Just then, some of the spirits Rowan had seen flying above him moments earlier came to his aid and swooped down to overwhelm the evil spirit. They flew about her head and latched on to Julia’s skin. As more and more spirits grabbed a hold of Julia, her clothes began to change from a black to a purple color. The purpler she became, the more in pain she seemed to be and she fell to the ground.
A single spirit landed next to Rowan and looked at him. Rowan could see it was only a child—a little girl in white robes. She was beautiful and looked at him with deep, loving eyes.
She said, “I am one of the lost souls, Rowan. Julia pushed me out of my body before I was born. But you will save me, I know you will—I have faith in you.
“The other lost souls will continue to open Julia’s third eye chakra, causing her to feel all the pain she has and will cause. But we don’t have much time before she becomes numb—even to all of that.”
The lost soul started undoing the tree branches that had a grip on Rowan. Once he was free, the lost soul pointed to the doorway, which had magically moved and was very near to them.
“Go, Rowan—you must. You will face Julia again, but now is not the time. You are needed in another time and another place. Others are waiting for you.”
The soul faintly smiled and Rowan nodded reluctantly. He turned and started running towards the door. He saw Bear coming out of the forest towards him, too, as if to urge him to hurry.
“I’ll acquire your soul, Rowan! You will not escape!” Julia howled to Rowan as he stepped through the doorway.
Bear slammed the door shut behind him and the next thing Rowan experienced was being whisked away in a bubble of tranquility and safety. Rowan collected himself and realized he knew where he was going because Aiden had told him—seven thousand years in the future.
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